Are you looking for a cigar station and/or a cigar expert for a guided event, you’re in the right place! Our team has created hundreds of private and corporate cigar tastings experiences for thousands of guests.We have complete cigar stations and well-spoken experts for hire in a full range of event packages, or any custom format as you desire. Our most popular events are walk-around tasting receptions with stations that represent each of the important global cigar styles, guided cigar tasting chats with an expert who teaches every attendee optimal enjoyment and tasting technique, as well as our relaxing and beautiful cigar presentations.

Our packages are ideal for:

Exquisite Cigar Lounge Experience

Pricing: $1,000

Our packages are ideal for:

Whiskey & Cigar Experience

Pricing: $500

A whisky bar is a great addition to any event, add this on to have a truly unique experience. Explore the world of Scotch, Bourbon, or Whisky!

Whiskey Bar and Pairing includes:


Most frequent questions and answers

We can bring the ultimate cigar experience to just about any event.
Retirement parties, Corporate Events, Birthday Parties, and much more.
Contact us today for more info!

That is ok too! We offer cigar add-ons for $10 per person.

You can select the type and quantity of cigars during the booking phase.
Each package includes 30 cigars and there is an additional charge for